Streamline Your Web Experience

CurbPage Navigator

Chrome ◈ Browser ◈ Extension

free ◈ private
no ads ◈ no tracking

Introduction and Overview

Welcome to the CurbPage Browser Extension, an innovative tool designed to redefine your web navigation. This Chrome extension is perfect for professionals and enthusiasts alike, offering a unique way to create custom navigation menus on any website.

Ideal for web developers, WordPress aficionados, graphic designers, cybersecurity experts, and database administrators, CurbPage simplifies your online experience, providing swift access to the links you need the most.

Advanced Browsing Simplified

CurbPage goes beyond traditional browsing tools. It's a versatile extension that caters specifically to professionals handling SQL databases, facilitating the saving of SQL queries as relative URLs. This feature is a game-changer in data management and cybersecurity, streamlining database operations with unprecedented efficiency.

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Easy Installation

Get started with CurbPage in no time:

Download it from the Chrome Web Store.
Click the extension icon to initiate your custom navigation menu.

Custom Navigation Menus

Effortlessly create your own navigation menus for any site, transforming the way you browse with personalized, one-click access to your favorite pages.

Organized URL Groups

Group your URLs by activity or role, like WordPress admin or social media profiles, for quick, organized access to your most-used sites.

Bookmark Efficiency

Streamline your bookmark collection. One bookmark per site leads to all your essential pages through neatly organized relative URLs.

Save Query Strings

Save and execute queries and testing directly from your browser's address bar, enhancing development efficiency with time-saving shortcuts.

Access Your Menu

Find your custom navigation menu in the Chrome toolbar for immediate use

Sync Across Devices

Keep your personalized menu consistent across Chrome browsers.

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Full Accessibility for Everyone

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Easy on the eyes with dark and light mode adapting to your system settings.

Keyboard Navigables, use the keyboard to tab through and enter settings and information.

Works with most screen readers.

Dynamic URL Use Cases

The extension supports a variety of common relative URLs, catering to different professional needs:

Web Developers

For Web Developers, the CurbPage Browser Extension acts as a vital tool, offering streamlined access to frequently used development tools, API endpoints, and repositories. It simplifies the navigation to essential resources, making the development process more efficient and organized.

  • /api
  • /dev-tools
  • /console
  • /git-repos
WordPress Developers

WordPress Developers will find the CurbPage Extension immensely helpful in quickly navigating to crucial areas like wp-admin, plugin settings, and theme customization. It enhances workflow efficiency by providing instant access to frequently used WordPress functionalities.

  • /wp-admin
  • /plugins
  • /themes
  • /wp-settings
Graphic Designers

Graphic Designers can leverage the CurbPage Extension to swiftly access their design projects, client feedback portals, and resource libraries. This tool simplifies the process of managing design assets and client communications, ensuring a more organized and efficient creative workflow.

  • /design-projects
  • /client-reviews
  • /asset-library
  • /color-palettes
Social Media Managers

For Social Media Managers, CurbPage serves as an indispensable tool, offering quick links to profile management, content calendars, and analytics dashboards. It streamlines the process of managing multiple social media platforms, enhancing productivity and engagement tracking.

  • /profile
  • /content-calendar
  • /analytics-dashboard
  • /audience-engagement
Database and Security Admins

Database and Security Administrators benefit significantly from CurbPage, as it allows for the saving and quick execution of complex SQL queries and database operations. This feature is crucial for efficient data management and heightened cybersecurity measures, making it a valuable asset in their professional toolkit.

  • ?sql=SELECT * FROM users WHERE status='active':
  • ?sql=UPDATE accounts SET password=NEW_PASSWORD WHERE last_login < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR)
  • ?sql=DELETE FROM logs WHERE entry_date < '2023-01-01'
  • ?sql=SELECT COUNT(*), department FROM employees GROUP BY department
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About Curb Software Inc

Here goes your text ... Select any part of your text to access the formatting toolbar.

Support and Community

Feedback and Support: Reach out at [email protected] for any feedback.

Privacy: Your data remains private, stored only on your device.

Contribute: Join our GitHub community for development contributions.

License: Available under the MIT License.